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Ladies and Gentlemen, National Truck Drivers School is pleased to announce its newest inductee into the graduate of the Month Club: Mr. Galen Lee Matthews. Galen is originally from Mims Florida. He graduated from our establishment in May of 2001. Pictured with him is his wife Patrice.

Before arriving at a point in his life where he wanted more, Galen tried wielding stucco and roofing. Both jobs require backbreaking physical labor and provide low pay and poor benefits for the effort. Galen had always wanted to drive trucks and made the life altering decision to come to National. He chose our school because “The pricing is good and National was highly recommended.” While Galen attended training he discovered his challenges centered on the paperwork rather than the driving. It seems Galen was not too fond of logbooks. Logbooks being a necessary evil, he did learn how to coexist with them. Galen told us his favorite part of training was backing in to the loading docks. That’s weird! Since National Truck Drivers School first started forming classes in 1978, Galen is the only student ever to say that backing was his favorite part of school. That alone makes him graduate of the month material.

Galen enjoys hunting and fishing when he’s not behind the wheel driving for Windy Hill Trucking out of Marshfield, Wisconsin. We asked Galen why he chose Windy Hill. He said, “Although I had six job offers, I liked the fact that Windy Hill was close to my home and had a good home-time policy.” Windy Hill Trucking currently operates with a fleet of 50 trucks and 100 trailers. Their tractors are late model International Conventional Pro Sleepers ranging from 1997 to 2002. With over 50% of the trailers having air ride, the drivers enjoy comfort and less fatigue. Windy Hill supports new drivers, and offer excellent pay and benefits. The main lanes of travel for Windy Hill are between the Midwest and Southeast.

Galen, at age 26 decided to embark on an exciting, well paying career that will provide security for him and his family for as long as he wants. When many 26 year olds live from paycheck to paycheck in labor intensive no future jobs, Galen seized the day. We are proud of his spirit, foresight, and desire for a career in trucking, and we are proud to say; Galen you are National Truck Drivers School…

Graduate of the Month for July 2002.

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